Sunday, December 4, 2011

Villa Finale, Walter Mathis Homestead in San Antonio's King William Historic District

!±8± Villa Finale, Walter Mathis Homestead in San Antonio's King William Historic District

Walter Mathis and now, the National Historic Trust, operate the site, Villa Finale in San Antonio's King William Historic District. For both local history and European artifacts, culture and art, the house is worth an afternoon tour.

With much oral history, facts are scarce.

The land that Villa Finale sits on was part of an original Spanish land grant to the Canary Island pioneers. In the not too distant history, the land was arable agrarian land for The Alamo. The Mission de Bexar. Yes, that Alamo.

The street that runs a few blocks east of Villa Finale is South Alamo. Runs in front of The Alamo, then follows a course that runs north-south, then east-west, then turns north-south again. The local joke is that cattle paths were used to choose streets. In this case, though, it was a waterway. The strange twists and turns of the local topography was dictated water sources, both natural and manmade.

Walter Mathis would trace part of his family lineage back to the Canary Island pioneers, proving that Villa Finale was destiny.

Standing in the front, looking at the house itself, the style is mid-1850 Italianate. The stylized front porch and tower were not added until the decade between 1895 and 1905.

The fun part, for me, I heard two different salaried curators claim the house was built in 1863 and 1873, and from the material, the accepted date was 1873, built by an Englishman named Norton. It was four square, just 4 rooms with a fireplace in each room, the typical quarried limestone with an unfinished surface. Mr. Norton had the front door shipped over from England, intact, a huge, carved door frame and door, with an imposing look. In a neighborhood that was largely - named King William - mercantile German class, he was the solo English holdout.

Norton lost the house to foreclosure, and it changed hands two more times, with the last family in the 1890s not leaving without a fight.

During that time, the back section of the house, a large kitchen and cellar, was added.

And we haven't even stepped inside yet.

There are two magnificent lions flanking the front walk. Walter Mathis was a Leo, but no, those were Victorian affectations, as were two ceremonial cannons. Mr. Mathis told tales about the early days when the neighborhood was rough, he would wake to find his cannons dragged across the yard, resting against the fence, as they were really too heavy to lift over.

Standing in the front yard, on the front walk, it is near-impossible to imagine that it was a seedy, or "bad," neighborhood. One of my clients, grew up maybe two miles south, as he was growing up, he was admonished to "Stay out of trouble, stay out of King William!" Looking a the stately trees and elegant mansions, it's hard to believe.

San Antonio has two primary industries, military and hospitality. At the end of World War One, the name for the district was changed, the King Wilhelm was none too popular. Returning troops were frequently billeted in the grand mansions, and Villa Finale itself was cut up into 8 apartments.

By the early 1960s, the neighborhood was in a sad state. In the ensuing interval, facts are sketchy, but Villa Finale had been a bawdy house, an illicit casino, a speakeasy, and a bordello. Walter Mathis denied the bordello to his dying day, but I heard it from a sweet little old lady in the neighborhood. She was instructed never to walk on that side of the street - her parents were afraid she would be pressed into service.

In the mid-sixties, Mr. Mathis could tell his then-current home was in the path of the city's first big freeway project, 281. He moved his nascent arts and architecture collection into storage and began searching for a new home. The 'Villa Finale' name was chosen because he wanted it to be his last home. It was.

He bought the place in 1967, starting renovations immediately, but he lived downtown in a hotel until partway through the project.

The "Fire & Casualty" insurance companies often did plats of the land. In one from 1894, Villa Finale had no porch and no tower, while both did show up in the 1905 plat. The porch and tower were added were added in the interim, but not enough data surveys to be more exact. The insurance companies did the plats so there was a map for ingress for the volunteer fire departments, in the event of fire.

At the front porch, the Norton entrance is marveled, then guests are instructed to pull on booties, durable yet protective slippers to help preserve what Walter Mathis built. The ceiling on the front porch is painted sky blue, and while it is patent folklore, the reason is to keep the mosquitoes away. Allegedly.

The entrance, the hall and entrance is marked by an overwhelming amount of art. It was his wish that everything be left where he placed it. There are over 12,000 objects in the collection. For the last few years of his life, a National Historic Trust person acted as a personal curator and carefully noted most of the tales associated with the various collections.

On December 8, 1941, Walter Mathis went over to Randolph Army Base and signed up as pilot. He went on to fly (purported) 96 mission over occupied Europe -WW2 - facts and myths.

One of the most famous collections is the Napoleon Collection. Entering the hallway, then leading to the first door on the right, careful not to touch anything, under the tower, there, is the beginning of the collection.

It's worth noting that Mr. Mathis wanted a home filled with music. To that end, in the middle of the front room, under that tower, there is a, forgive my bad German, "Bechstein-Weltz" reproducing piano.

"Like a player piano?"

Yes, and no. It is a German machine that looks like piano, has mechanical innards, and ran - runs - on an air compressor that Mr. Mathis located in the basement.

I've been told that the piano still runs, think of it as a steam-driven piano. The difference is that a great composer or pianist would sit down and record a performance on a roll of paper, and that was played. Cabinet, far left, stage left, over in the corner, had scroll and rolls of paper for the piano. Turn of the century iPod. The paper rolls were the mp3s.

Asked what single object he would grab, if the house was on fire, Walter Mathis was proudest of his "genuine" Napoleon death mask. "One of six," is the party line.

Apparently, there is a History Channel special about the cottage industry of Napoleon Death Masks. Worthy of some attention. Seems like there might be more than just a half-dozen. It's worth noting that this was one of the few originals, probably less than a dozen like it - provenance with museum curators is tricky business.

Napoleon was a favorite, and towards that end, Villa Finale is now part of the Franco-Bexar group, as there are more Napoleon memorabilia here than in most museums. As a military man, Walter Mathis admired Napoleon's tactics.

The cabinets, the table-tops, the furniture itself, most, if not all, Empire-Revival. French, from around 1840. The "Egyptian" flavor is woven into the art, after all, Napoleon did "conquer" Egypt and some of the Pan-Arab world.

Because I was being trained when the house was being restored, I got to see a few things off the wall, like a ceremonial sword and scabbard arrangement that hangs high, like an Xmas tree star, over one set of Napoleon lithographs.

"Sheer panic in the curator's eyes when she pulled that one down; it really is held together with twine."

The windows now have UV coating the prevent fading. New paint, and everything has been cleaned and replaced in its original pace, per the behest and bequest.

Most of the furniture in the front rooms has been recovered, by Mathis, with one exception, there's a green ottoman/footstool that is in the original material from the 1840s. Note the large mirror over the mantle. Next room, more Napoleon collections, mirror over the mantle, odd military objects, a collections of dog figurines, various tokens, souvenirs, and my favorite, a pair of ivory-carved triptychs, which unfold and show Napoleon's victories and his wife, which shows her greatest accomplishment, marrying Napoleon.

"I hope you find the humor there," I add.

Back into the hall, along one wall, there are two pictures from the "pasta" school of Italian art, one clearly shows a medieval St. Mark's Square, in Venice. I called it the "pasta" school because I could never remember the name of the group. In those two paintings, every, there seems to be hundreds, but every figure is busy doing something.

Split between the paintings is a "cranberry glass" fountain, looks like an hourglass, only, with San Antonio's hard water, it's now all crusted up. The site is waiting on a grant to get this piece preserved. It still has water in it, and supposedly worked until his death.

Turn around, big painting on the wall, "Lazarus and the Money Changers," bible story. The painting spent the better part of a year in Austin, getting conserved. Means an expert in Austin spent months cleaning the large image with a proverbial Q-tip and jeweler's loupe. Before it was restored, I can point to two images, a monkey and a cat, and neither were visible before the conservation.

There are six or seven bronze sculptures int he front hallway, too. Four of them are actual "Barrié," a well-known French "animalieé," excuse my bad French spelling, doing this from memory. From where I stand, I have two bronzes at my fingertips. The real Barrié, the horse looks like a real horse, while the one next to it, it looks like an idealized horse. Turn back around, flanking the fountain are two gold-looking candelabras with stags wrapped around the center column. More from Barrie. Unusual in that he did very few candelabras and even fewer wild animals, like the stags.

The route is a vague figure eight, now, back into the doorway that is opposite from front Napoleon parlors, it's the Library.

The wall is lined with books, and from eye-level on up, the books are fancy, frequently leather-bound, pretty editions of classics. Books that were picked for looks as much as content. However, from six feet, and under, the books are history, historical, and some auction-house catalogs. To this day, the estate still receives various catalogs from international art houses.

When the house was being renovated by the Historic Trust, instead of pulling all the books off the shelves, then boxing them up, carting them off, bringing them back and re-shelving them, the books were left in place. Less chance of damage.

The chandelier was rescued from the Mary Bonner estate, and the ceiling had to be reinforced to support that behemoth of a lighting fixture. I was there when the fixture was down, to be rewired and brought up to current code, and the electricians, it took three large men, to haul that chandelier back into place. Weighed over 300 pounds.

In one corner of the library, there's another series of Barrie sculptures, there's another set of lions flanking the fireplace, and in one corner, I ask, which saint is it?

San Antonio, TX? It's Saint Anthony. This is a meter-tall figure that rescued from a church in Mexico, and Mathis turned him into a lamp. Always the preservationist, the saint's figure is attached at the base but the lamp doesn't really touch the figure. Over the doorway, leading to the next room, the dining room, now, there is a collection of Eastern Orthodox saints, most with complete silver cladding. I can't tell, don't recall, if they are Russian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, or Greek Orthodox. One of them. All look about the same, to me. The sliver cladding was to protect the icons from constant touching, part of that faith's belief.

The floor of the library has the most unique persian rug I've ever seen. While it's background motif is sky blue, the language across the top of the rug is Farsi (Persian), and the images depict Adam and Eve getting expelled from the garden of Eden.

Mr. Mathis was quite fond of religious art; however, he was not allied with any church, not after his Episcopal tore down a building that he wanted to save. Paved it for a church parking lot. He never went back.

The dining room has a several notable collections. There is a huge amount of silver, two upright wooden urns for place settings, as well as three separate chests, full. There's a stand-up display that has a number of cow-creamers. My name's Kramer, cow-Kramers, I like them. All silver.

On his mother's side, he was related to the Bell Family, the great silver dynasty in San Antonio. Up on one shelf in the dining room there's a favorite piece, it's a shell-shaped piece of silver with a tiny model of a sailing ship, at the pinnacle. It's a gravy boat.

The art hanging at one end of the dining table is 'Sybil and the Tarquin,' the last of the pagan roman emperors, and she was a seer.

I like to point out that I'm not known for my good tastes, and when I pass judgement, keep my tastes in mind. Frequently, I shouldn't be allowed to dress myself.

The centerpiece setting is mismatch of color and culture. It is burgundy cut-glass, inlaid with semi-precious gems, gilt gold and silver with camels and lions. The story is, this is the very centerpiece that rode through the Suez Canal, on its opening, with Queen Victoria, in her barge.

Finally, there's selection of painting along one wall, and they include a rare Julian Onerdonck from Williamson County. In his era and to this day, he is still widely regarded as a premier Texas Impressionist painter.

The mirror hanging in the dining room looks like the same frames as in the Napoleon Parlour and sitting rooms. The tale told, passed on to me in training, is that the mirrors were gifts. Mr. Mathis was marching through recently liberated France, and he happened upon a bombed out mansion, owned by the town's mayor. Mathis was digging around in his pickets, scraping together a few dollars, to pay for the mirrors, and the mayor begged Mathis to accept them as a gift for freeing their country from Fascist German oppression.

The mirrors showed up in Houston, a few years later, with freight due. Unclear on what it was, Mr. Mathis reluctantly accepted the bill, and he was overjoyed to find his treasures - the people of France remembered him. The last mirror was left un-re-silvered, possibly just for the telling of the tale.

Out the dining room door, into the hallway, again, peek around the corner at the base of the magnificent stairwell, and there's the Violano Virtuoso. This was from the old Pearl Brewery's bar, the Buckhorn Saloon, from 1883. By the sixties, this unusual piece had made its way to Walter Mathis's collection. I've seen it work, more than once. It has two player-violins, and a player piano, all in a single case. Plays a waltz. Either disturbing, musically, or amusing, from a gadget point of view. Wind up and listen to it play a waltz.

Up the stairs, in the stairwell itself, the downstairs is primarily European while the upstairs starts the Americas collections. The first is the art while climbing the stairs. It's from South America, a centuries old school, the combination of the Spanish masters and the local color shows up with the amount of gold gilt used, throughout. Some strange interpretations, too.


Turn the corner and there's another piano, under a display - along the wall - of more South American santos as well as relics gathered in Mexico. Starting in 1910, much of the Catholic church's hold on the land was released during revolution, and the relics eventually found there way here. There was one intern, summer before the Villa Finale opened, all she did was polish the silver that on top of the upstairs piano.

From the hallway, it's a left into the Periwinkle Room. The color is available from Lowe's, just ask for 'Villa Finale Periwinkle.'

Among artworks and other items, there are two cases of note. Along one wall, there's a collection of over 300 stick-pins. Walter Mathis got his first stick-pin from his grandmother, and that started his life-long obsession with collections and preservation.

Walter Mathis, especially with his huge collection of religious artifacts, he wasn't a church-goer. He was until his downtown Episcopal Church tore down a historic structure, an old house, historic house, to make way for a parking lot. He resigned and never went to another church. Never looked back, as they say.

There's a huge assortment of watches and timepieces, but more interesting, to me, is the collection of shaving mugs. Started when he was fifteen, the mugs capture the essence of a time gone by. The mugs are displayed in a pair of custom-built cabinets that were designed to reflect the architecture of his manse. As ephemeral data points, the mugs are marketing from a day gone by, and the shaving mugs differ from, like, a coffee cup, since there is a little shelf for a bar of soap and the shaving brush.

One of the curators worked at a site in California, talked about the importance of the historical value of the shaving mugs.

It's a two-step into the Yellow Room. Artwork, a throne, stairs to the tower, and a set of columns, rescued from his home in Monte-Vista. There's an odd collection of Staffordshire figures, and one is more curious, looks like Ben Franklin but it's labeled, "Geo. Washington."

Staffordshire ceramics was likely produced by child labor.

Shaving stands, sewing kits, Walter Mathis bemoaned the fact that he was a Victorian, born a hundred years too late.

Tucked against one wall, there's a set piece that is identical to one in Maximilian's palace in Mexico City. Another guide posited the connection - downstairs, Napoleon - upstairs, his illegitimate son -

The master of the house, Walter Mathis, in an apparent humorous display, he had a gold cherub with its chubby little butt pointed towards the center of the room.

The valences, over the windows, when the restorer was working, she'd heard that the valences were from a plantation in Mississippi. Or near Houston, never got the straight story on that, but they were removed for the new paint, and it turns out, it was bit of a puzzle to put them back on, as they were different sizes.

The sketch up on the wall is an Edouard Leon study of a Mounet (?) - best part of that? It was a 'lady of substance,' and that caused quite the scandal. A 'lady of substance' wasn't supposed to pose for a common artist's works.

Back into the hall, and it's painter time. One of the most exquisite paintings is one of the Onerdonk's of Prickly Pear in Bloom.

There's another painting, at the bottom, and it's one of the few that was done while Onerdonk was in studying in New York, mentioned in his letters. There are the usual amazing bluebonnet paintings, too. What he was a famous for.

There's one painting, inscribed to Walter Mathis's mother, 'From a little friend, to a little friend, in a little friendly way.'

Passing around the corner is another bedroom, there's a wooden-press. Flower press? Probably a blanket press, since there's was a strong tie with Rockport, and the Rockport Quilt Guild.

The small bedroom has his parents' wedding bed. It came from St. Louis, down the Mississippi River, where it was loaded on another boat and delivered to Rockport. According to the myth, one or more of his brothers and/or sisters was born in that bed.

More interesting, though, is the array of the family tree, mother on the right side, father on the left, tracing back through the generations.

In the front room, visible from the bedroom, has an array of Victorian memorabilia, Bristol Glass, a peacock, beaded purses, antique calling cards and Victorian card clips. There is a large carved ivory 'china' boat, and an allegedly working Victrola, hand-crank type of record player.

During the great flood of 2007, this room suffered water damage. Like many men of similar vintage, Mr. Mathis insisted on doing his own maintenance, and that suffered towards the end. Hence the water damage.

Back in the hall, opposite from the piano, there's a large sideboard with a glass front. It's 'Century Glass,' souvenir glass from the St. Louis worlds fair, circa, 1904. Another grandmother gift. The collection was embellished when the McNay (museum) asked to display it. Walter collected some more, just to make sure the museum had an adequate presentation.

Around the corner is a bathroom - passing a small glass case with another selection of naughty clock faces, slightly 'PG' by modern standards, but risqué by pre-modern mores.

Step into Walter Mathis's bedroom. Although he lived downtown at a hotel, during his renovation, he eventually moved into this bedroom, over the kitchen. The wallpaper was vinyl, faux-linen, and it peeled off with that water damage. During the National Trust's restoration, a chance encounter yielded up some of the matching wallpaper.

Much of the artwork in his bedroom is from an engraver named 'Currier,' as in, 'Currier and Ives,' before there was an Ives. Much of the Currier art is from the Mexican-American War (1842 - marched as far as Mexico City).

Walters Mathis was proud of his Texas heritage.

Many of the quilts are Christmas themed, as Walter passed in December, it was his wish that the house be preserved just as he left it.

A four-thousand square foot mansion stuffed with art, the common assumption is that he inherited wealth. His family lost it all in the Great Depression, and Walter Mathis did this on his own. Never married, but he was engaged, at least twice, which might be part of it, but the larger part was he was one of the youngest members of the New York Stock Exchange, after the war, and as an investment banker, his biggest win was brokering the Pepsi-Frito Lay deal. Towards that end, his favorite drink was rum and Cherry Pepsi, while he never allowed coke products in the house.

Beyond the bedroom, there's sitting room, complete with a kitchenettes installed for him. Along one wall, there's a selection of Texan currency, bills from the Republic of Texas. I point out, that, in London, there's a small plaque, designating where the Texas Legate was, 1842-1845.

There are a number of Texas maps along one of the walls, one of which is a favorite as it shows the western border of the great state of Texas to be the Rio Grande, and that map includes the headwaters of the Rio Grande - all the way to Canada.

T. Gentilz was a surveyor, working for Henri Castro. As such, T. Gentilz would travel between Castroville and San Antonio, taking about three days to complete the journey. He would stop along the way and sketch, draw, paint local color. There are several completed painting, one that seems incomplete, one art historian insists it's the 'queen' of the San Antonio missions, San Jose.

There is another painting, part of the collection, but to an unlettered and untutored eye, the style and execution is so different, I'm inclined to believe it was a forgery or fake. One local art historian, who knew Walter, suggested that Walter knew it was a fake, but loudly insisted it wasn't. Oral tradition versus real provenance.

The door that leads to the back porch also leads to back stairs. Included in this flight is a short set of step that lead to some kind of cabinet, or sewing nook. Top of the flight of stairs, there is a collection of circus figures, probably porcelain, and another allegedly working phonograph, the Edison variety with a clearly visible hand-crank and wax cylinder for the recording.

Down the stairs, it's a narrow staircase, certainly not ADA-compliant, and potentially dangerous for the loose carpets, there is the most magnificent collection of paintings and prints.

The bulk of the collection, from what I've gathered, came from the purchase of the Mary Bonner Estate. What I was told, Mary Bonner went to Paris to study painting, and one teacher told her that she din't have the strength to be a painter so she should look at print-making instead.

Relying on her native San Antonio background, her prints of cowboys and similar Texas-themes became the toast of France.

It happens. They love Texans. You do know, Texas is bigger than France?

The Mary Bonner collection, alone it that back stairwell is enough to render the whole trip worthwhile.

There are several sketches of the missions, again, later Mary Bonner works.

The stairs unwind into the kitchen. This was a working kitchen. Rumor has it, the refrigerator still has frozen foods, left over from before the Historic Trust took over.

There's all kinds of flatware, cookware, Wedge Wood, and China. The story is, one plate was used for serving until Walter Mathis found out the value of the platter. Now on the wall.

The woodwork itself was rescued and repurposed from the Sullivan House, another casualty in San Antonio's growth.

Because it was a real, working kitchen, the spices that were "pretty," and had "eye-appeal," those spices were displayed. The shuttered cupboard, now and office, held the unattractive spices. There are jars of pasta and candy, sweets and so forth, and they haven't been changed, at least not yet. Probably won't be touched, looks fine, seems preserved.

The chandelier in the kitchen, kind of a hideous pastiche of glazed, colored glass, wood and brass? The story is, it was in the front room, originally. Walter Mathis had taken it to a consignment shop, and some guy offered him 0, on the spot, for the chandelier. When queried why, Walter was going to sell it for , these are 1969 Dollars, so that was a great deal of money, then the prospective buyer pointed out that the lamp, chandelier, was signed by Tiffany. A real Tiffany Lamp.

(Provenance on this is suspect, too. Very suspect.)

It now hangs high overhead in the kitchen.

Adjacent to the kitchen is the Butler's Pantry, with a full wet-bar, the wood work more of the rescued cabinetry.

Finally, the Pewter Room. At this point, I'm out of energy, having talked for the better part of 45 minutes or so, and quite tired. Pewter Room. Lots of pewter on the shelf, beer steins, and the Rhine Maiden.

Another gloriously hideous chandelier, actually, an antique Bier Garten. candelabra, from the old country. Came from a German Saloon with German immigrants, perhaps a little before the Villa Finale was built. By the turn of the century, it wound up at the Buckhorn Saloon, open during Prohibition, to make it's way to Walter's back den. Ride of the Valkyries? Yes, that kind of Rhine Maiden, cf., Wagner's Ring Cycle, first and last opera. She was supposed to guard the gold in the Rhine.

The other bizarre piece is a very art nouveau lamp. The threesome. Kind of hard to tell, but looks like two naked women intertwined with a single topless guy. Story was, he bought this as a tabletop lamp, and at close to five or six feet tall, it doesn't really set well on a tabletop, but that's what it is now.

Out the back door, onto the back porch. It's easy to see, while getting off the booties, where the new stuff had been added on the original building. Underneath the back portion, a cellar was added.

One of the owners, owned the Casino when it was located n downtown San Antonio, and when the Prohibition hit, moved his operation to his cellar. Unverified. Gambling operations, bawdy house, speakeasy, all by reputation, but not substantiating facts support the allegations.

Once the booties are off, there's a small arc around the building Walter Mathis's ashes are interred under a small flag, the small gatehouse and the big carriage house serves as onsite offices for some, plus a bathroom and lockers for over-sized purses.

The original plan for this section of the RiverWalk was to carve through the Villa Finale property, imminent domain and all. Mr. Mathis, as a civic leader and patron of the arts, fought city hall - and won. Look a the aerial plat, and the river's course bends around his property.

There are three friezes, set in the southern wall, borders the property. Same artist as the Cenotaph for the Alamo, downtown.

The tour concludes in the wrought-iron gazebo, cupola. Walter's niece was married there, in the spring of 1970, and the hose has been, like a museum, ever since.

Family members have toured Villa Finale, and the most common comment, "Wow, just like he left it, except now, everything is so clean...."

Villa Finale, Walter Mathis Homestead in San Antonio's King William Historic District

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Friday, November 4, 2011

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SHAVING COMBO CONTAINS: One Green Rubber Shave Mug, One #904 Badger Shave Brush, One Ultimate 150 Straigh Razor, One Simco Razor Strop, One 4oz Strop Dressing and One 2.25oz Col. Conk Bay Rum Shave Soap SHAVE MUG * SHAVE BRUSH * RAZOR * STROP * DRESSING **Rubber MUG** * The very best in working mugs. * Unbreakable. * Will not chip, crack, slip, or slide. ** #904 Shave BRUSH ** * 100% Badger hair bristles * A must have for a close comfortable shave * Ideal for creating and distributing lather * Gently exfoliates the skin **RAZOR** * Handcrafted in Solingen, Germany * This 5/8" round tip Straight Razor is finest available. * Double tempered razor steel will give years of service. * Black plastic handle and steel blade gives a rich appearance. * Perfect tool for stylist and barber. **STROP** * Strop Handcrafted in Pakistan * Complete with Cowhide, Sharpening Canvas and Swivel. * Cowhide with handle.1-3/4" X 20" * Canvas with handle.1-3/4" X 20" * Perfect tool for stylist and barber. **DRESSING** * 4oz * Conditions Leather Razor Strop **SOAP** * Bay Rum Scent * Contains: Avocado Oil and Vitamin E * Net Weight 2.25 oz. * 2 1/2" Diameter by 1" Tall

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Creative Holiday Gift Ideas for the Person Who Has Everything!

!±8± Creative Holiday Gift Ideas for the Person Who Has Everything!

Tired of giving the same old-same old? Embarrassed to give out those impersonal department store gift certificates because you're stumped and don't know what to buy for the person who has everything? Well, here are some wonderful ideas for unique gifts; some unusual, some personal; something for everyone on your list!

Group two, three or more items (mix and match) and place in an interesting basket or unusual container to present your gifts, covering the container with colorful cellophane and topping it all off with a fancy ribbon and bow.

Purely Personal

- Scented candles, handmade soaps, bubble bath and a big fluffy bath towel.

- Fancy hair ties, hair clips, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner for the teenage girl

- A movie night basket with a video of DVD of a movie you know they don't have, a box of microwave popcorn, candy and a movie guide book

- An interesting book or magazine (and a gift subscription), a tiny booklight, a cute mug and packets of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, or a small bag of flavored gourmet coffee

- A cozy robe - one pocket containing envelopes of hot chocolate and the other, a small bag of mini-marshmallows.

- A spa day with a pair of comfy slippers and a big fluffy towel or robe

- A set of fancy beeswax candles and a brass candle snuffer

- A towel wrap, terry-cloth slippers, shower soap, shaving lotion and a fancy hair comb (or a special moustache comb for the moustached man!)

- A hot/cold pack (see how to make - with a box of soothing herbal teas and a whimsical mug

- Buy a variety of medium to large seashells and fill some of the shells with melted red wax and a few drops of cinnamon candle scent; and the rest of the shells with melted green wax and a few drops of pine candle scent; adding a short wick before the wax sets and you have an assortment of bath candles all ready for the holidays.

Holiday Bath Salts

2-1/3 cups of epsom salts

1/2 cup of sea salt

5 drops of peppermint scent

3 drops of red food coloring

Pour half of the first three ingredients into a bowl. Pour the other half of the ingredients into another bowl, adding the red food coloring only to the second bowl. Using a tall, clear bottle, layer contents of each bowl until all ingredients are used up (think red and white stripes). Close the bottle and tie with a festive ribbon and a couple of small candy canes.

- The Gift of Time: coupons for one night of baby-sitting, car washing, gardening, cleaning out the garage, walking the dog, re- arranging a closet, etc.

Hobbies and Sports Gifts

- Tickets to their favorite game and a sweatshirt or t-shirt imprinted with their favorite team logo

- Art supplies that they use often - sketch pads, paint in often- used colors, charcoal pencils, etc.

- Scrapbooking supplies, storage boxes to keep supplies in, rubber stamp set, embossing powder and heat gun

- Computer supplies: CDRW's, blank CD cases, a furry Pet Virus novelty or a Virus Survival Kit just for fun (

- For the aspiring writer (or student): folders, pencil case, binders and lined paper, fancy colorful pens, notebooks, personalized notes, a good thesaurus and dictionary, an agenda or diary, colorful post-it notes and a personalized CD coaster to hold their favorite mug of coffee (see how to make one -

- For the young artist of craftsperson: a craft box with handle; colorful paper squares, set of scissors with different fancy blades, glue, felt in an assortment of colors, wiggly eyes, lengths of colorful wool, colored pipe cleaners

- For the person who love to bake: a set of cookie cutters in letter and number shapes, a pair of colorful oven mitts, a cute timer, a set of fancy cake tins, mixing bowls, cookbook on baking

- For the BBQ chef: BBQ apron, mitts, a set of large salt and pepper shakers, a BBQ brush, a BBQ recipe book

- A large interesting piece of pottery, kitchen utensils, a cookbook, a set of cute salt and pepper shakers, apron and potholder set

- A fancy flower pot with gardening tools, plant ties, garden gloves, a plant care guide and a kneeling pad.

Fancy Food Gifts

- Chocolate-dipped Spoons: buy heavy clear plastic spoons and dip them in melted chocolate, either all dark or all milk chocolate or let cool and re-dip in melted white chocolate but only halfway up the spoon bowl. Sprinkle with abit of cinnamon before the white chocolate dries for a variation. Let dry on wax paper. Wrap individually in colorful cellophane and tie with a curly ribbon. Add a couple of chocolate-coated spoons in a fancy mug along with packets of gourmet coffee.

You can also add abit of extract or liqueur or even cherry juice to flavor the chocolate before dipping.

For another variation on the chocolate-covered spoons, sprinkle the spoons with finely-crushed candy canes and let dry.

Drizzle melted white chocolate onto your dark chocolate-dipped spoons or drizzle dark chocolate onto your white chocolate-dipped spoons for a different look.

- Here's a different twist to your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Make up a batch, let cool and then dip them halfway into melted chocolate. For a variation, add a sprinkle of coconut or candy sprinkles before the chocolate coating dries.

- Here's a way to use up those little plastic coffee creamer containers you've been saving. Check out this yummy recipe: Coffee Creamer Cherry Chocolates -

- Breakfast Treat Basket: pour a box of pancake mix into a clean glass jar. Add the lid, cover the top of the jar with a square of pretty scrap fabric and tie on a colorful ribbon or raffia. Type the recipe from the pancake box and print it out onto cardstock to hole-punch and add to ribbon before tying the finishing bow.

Add small zip-lock bags of the following: chocolate chips, dried fruit including raisins, walnuts, almonds, pecans, coconut. One or more of these added to the pancake mix makes a unique treat! Include a bottle of pancake syrup and the gift is complete.

- Muffin Magic: add your favorite muffin recipe to a 1 or 2-quart mason jar or clear, fancy container. Decorate the jar with a square scrap of fabric and tie with a ribbon or raffia. Add your recipe to a printed card (make sure you adjust your recipe if you've cut the ingredients by half to fit the jar!). Include a muffin tin, a wooden spoon tied with a pretty bow, a bag of fancy paper muffin cups and a colorful oven mitt or two.

- Pasta Perfect: an assortment of clear glass jars filled with fancy pastas, a wooden spoon tied with a festive ribbon, a shaker of mixed Italian spices and another of grated parmesan or romano cheese

- Your Fortune: mix up a batch of Chinese fortune cookies (see recipe at that you add your own printed fortunes or silly sayings to (think Confucious Say!). Place them in a colorful tin from the dollar store.

- Caffeine-fix: a set of small tins filled with an assortment of special hot cocoa mixes and/or flavored coffee using the following recipes. Create tags for each to describe each mix and the directions. (All cocoa recipes: add 1/3 cup of mix to 6 oz. hot water. All coffee recipes: add 1 heaping teaspoon, or more, to 6 oz. of hot water)

Basic Hot Cocoa Mix

1-1/4 cup dry milk

3/4 cup powdered coffee creamer

1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

3/4 cup sugar


Mexican Cocoa

Add 1 tablespoon of cinnamon to above mixture and a cinnamon stick to the tin when you tie on the recipe card.



1/2 cup malted milk mix

1 cup instant cocoa mix

1/3 cup powdered coffee creamer


Very Berry Cocoa

Mix one package of unsweetened Koolaide in a berry flavor to 3 cups of instant cocoa mix


Coffee 'n Spice

1 cup instant coffee

3/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon allspice or apple pie spice mix

1 cup sugar


Mocha Magic

1 cup instant coffee

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1 cup sugar

1 cup powdered coffee creamer

1/4 cup dry milk


Toffee Coffee

Mix equal amounts of brown sugar, instant coffee and powdered coffee creamer


Personalized Gifts

- An arrangement of family photos in a large frame - use nice gift wrap or other fancy paper as a background, or a collage of handmade papers from your art store.

- Any item personalized with the person's name: a t-shirt with an interesting graphic along with their name; a personalized coffee mug; a picture of their favorite hobby or occupation in cartoon form with their name; a silly caricature made from their photo; a personalized BBQ apron.


You'll find a unique assortment of personalized cartoon pictures for any hobby, occupation or occasion and fun computer novelties including the Pet Computer Virus at: Be sure to pick up your free gift just for stopping by!

Creative Holiday Gift Ideas for the Person Who Has Everything!

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Camping Checklist for Forgetful Campers

!±8± Camping Checklist for Forgetful Campers


Campground reservation info.

Directions to the actual campground.

Packing - Put food on the bottom (you'll need other items first)

Backpack, daypack, and/or fanny pack

Bags - Tent bag, grocery bags, etc.

Cardboard boxes if needed

Ice Chests


5 gallon bucket or similar container

Large (18-30 gal) Rubbermaid(tm) container for food storage

Lighting - Check batteries!

Maglight - The larger, the better

Gas lantern (and/or electric)

BIC lighter

Matches (preferably water proof)

Spare batteries and bulbs

Spare lantern fuel and mantles

Solar Panel

Glow Sticks

Batteryless Bulbless Flashlight


Sleeping bag

Space Blanket

Ground Cloth - Tarp for big tents

Floor Mats (use at tent entrance)

Mattress or pad - Inflator for air mattress



Seam Sealer

Camp axe or hammer to pound tent stakes

Shade Canopy & Rope & Stakes

Emergency blaket (found at walmart)

Tikki Torches (fill with citronella oil), also listed in medical.

Overhead rain tarps (not just shade).

Hay bale (to spread in dirt or mud areas).

10-12 inch nails from hardware store for emergency tent stakes

Tea candles to mark where tent stakes are

Sign that says No Candles in Tents!


Epipen if you have allergies


Bug Repellent - Spray, Citronella Candle, etc.

Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, Naproxin


Antibiotics creams

Tweezers for splinters & ticks

Antiseptic, bandaids and bandages

First Aid Kit (may include all the above items)

Benadryl Sinus Tablets

Allergy Eye drops

Pocket Tissues

Campho-phenique (good for minor burns, cuts, scrapes and many use it on

poison ivy)

Moist Towelettes (for cleaning wounds and early uses on poison ivy)

Extra weeks supply of any Prescriptions

Box of latex gloves (100 pack)

Cleaning & Personal Items

Bar soap

Hand Sanitizer (waterless)



Toothpaste & toothbrush

Comb/hair brush/clips/bands/hair ties

Make-up bag

Razor & shaving cream


Toilet Paper

To save space, unroll toilet paper and reroll it and put inside the tube

Whisk broom to clean table and tent site


Contact lens supplies

Feminine supplies

Dishwashing soap and rubber gloves

Dish rack

Laundry Detergent (biodegradeable preferred)


List of important phone numbers

Spare car/truck/boat/rv keys

Small shovel

Swiss Army knife

Compass and Map

Fishing pole and gear (+ license & bait!)

Duct tape and/or electrical tape

Safety pins

Sewing kit

Cellular phone w/extra battery and car adapter

Two way radio(s) (ham, CB, Family)

Camera w/good battery and extra film

Camcorder w/good battery and extra tapes

Radio and/or TV

Weather Radio

Crankup Radio

Books (ID books, Little House), cards, games, toys, Bible, etc.

Card table

MONEY, credit card, ID

Pocket Tool

Guitar/Harmonicas/Other musical instrument(s)




Signal Mirror


Travel Clock

Clothesline and Clothespins

Basic tools (screwdrivers, pliers, etc.)

Copper pipe pieces for the campfire See note

Rope or String

Leather strips

Heavy rubber bands

Canoe or boat

Life jackets

Piece of carpeting (fake grass) for tent or RV entranceway

Pet Food

Eyeglass strap (to hold them on your head)

Fire starters (found in BBQ sections of stores) made from wax and sawdust

Steel Wool (can be used to start a fire by touching ends of battery to it - BE CAREFUL!)

Sand Paper

Extension cords

Pads of paper and pencils/pens

Milk crates (good for storage, step ladder and more)

Fly Swatters



Ear Plugs (to block out the noisy neighbors)




Jacket - As weather dictates; Eskimo style, mackintosh, windbreaker, etc.

Poncho - Doubles as emergency tent/lean-to

Pants/Overalls, with belt

Underwear - 2

Shirt - 2 or 3 (one light, one flannel)

Shoes, shower shoes, HIKING BOOTS

Socks - 2 pair

Work gloves & warm mittens/gloves

Swim suit



Sulfer - keeps chiggers out of your clothes


Stove with fuel & lighter

Newspapers for lighting a campfire

Firestarter sticks (wax/sawdust things from the grocery store)


Charcoal or wood & Grill for BBQ

Frying Pan - Nonstick w/plastic spatula is nice

Cooking skewers (for hot dogs, s'mores, etc.)

Pot or sauce pan - Big enough to cook noodles for all; With lid

Dutch Oven

Can opener - If you have canned goods

P-38 Can Opener (military type, small, flat and fits in wallet)



Coffee maker & filters

Pot lifter and/or pot holders


Stew Pot

Soup Ladel

Sandwich maker (type you put in fire)

Measuring cup

Cutting Board


Veggie Peeler



Plate - Partition tray/plate is nice

Collapsable camping/hiking cup

Alladin travel mug

Kitchen knife - Nice to have; in general, carry a pocket knife

Small mixing bowl

Knife, Fork, Spoon, Spatula

Small flat and phillips screwdrivers

Scrub Pad

Dish Pan

Tupperware (for leftovers)


Paper towels & napkins

Trash bags

Garbage disposal bags (stronger than regular trash bags)

Paper plates, cups, bowls, etc.

Plastic knives, forks, spoons

Ziplock Bags

Aluminum Foil

Dish soap


At least 1/2 gallon per person/day -- Water filter if relying on natural water sources

Water bottle, to carry while hiking

Garden hose

Food & Drink

Pancake Mix - Krusteaze, 1/2 cup per person per day (need large skillet)

Cooking Oil - About 1 oz per person per day or Pam Spray

Syrup - About 2 oz per person per day

Butter - 1/2 stick per person per day

Malt-o-meal, or Cream of...wheat, rice, ...

Oatmeal - Instant single serving packs

Potatoes - 1-2 per person per day -- freeze dried if packing

Bacon - 2 slices per person per day

Eggs - 1-2 per person per day, fresh or powdered

Noodles - Spaghetti, Angel Hair, Ramen, or shells

Spaghetti Sauce - In jars or dehydrated

Parmesan cheese

Bouillon cubes - Chicken & Vegetable

Rice packages

Soup/Chili - mix or cans

Tuna - Don't forget Mayo, pickles, and onions

Onions, lemons, mushrooms, Tomatoes

Bread - One or two loaves per day if camping with a small group

Dry condiments - Salt, Pepper, Spices, Sugar



Mayo - Small jar or squeeze bottle

Cheese - Cheddar, swiss, American

Fruit - Small fruit cups or fresh fruit

Veggies - carrot/celery sticks daily

Taco Stuff - (Meat, seasoning package, olives, lettuce, tortillas, buns)

Hamburger meat (pre seasoned and ready to cook)

Frozen hashbrowns in the bag

Cocoa, Coffee, & Teas (don't forget SUGAR!)

Marshmallows, Graham Crackers & Hershey Bars (S'mores)

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Deli meat slices: Turkey, Ham, Salami

Hot dogs & buns

Milk, juice, soft drinks, Ice Tea, Lemon Ade, Kool-Aid

Vienna Sausages

Lil Smokies


Hamburgers & Buns



Corn on Cob


Nutri Grain Bars/Granola Bars

Fixin's for stew (some of the items are above)


Jiffy Pop or Regular popcorn

Popcorn oil

Spray oil (like Pam)

Squeeze butter or margarine


Camping with Children

Current photos of the children in case they get lost


Swim Diapers




Jogging strollers

Backpack carriers

MANY sets of clothing

Extra pair(s) of shoes


Jar foods

Gerber toddler foods



Favorite blanket or stuffed toy(very important!)

Powdered milk(for children that have outgrown formula)



Baby Hammock

Baby Swing

kidsafe bugspray


Portapotty with grocery bag liner (easy cleanup)

Camping Checklist for Forgetful Campers

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Colonel Conk Model 239 5-Piece Apothecary Mug Shave Set with Gold Tone and Wood Stand, Deluxe Boar Brush, Super Bar, and Gold Tone Razor

!±8± Colonel Conk Model 239 5-Piece Apothecary Mug Shave Set with Gold Tone and Wood Stand, Deluxe Boar Brush, Super Bar, and Gold Tone Razor

Brand : Colonel Conk | Rate : | Price : $80.00
Post Date : Sep 19, 2011 23:10:23 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Deluxe boar brush
  • Gold-tone Double Track razor
  • Gold-tone stand with fine hardwood base holds brush and razor
  • 2.25 oz. Colonel Conk's world-famous glycerin shave soap
  • Old-fashioned ceramic apothecary mug

More Specification..!!

Colonel Conk Model 239 5-Piece Apothecary Mug Shave Set with Gold Tone and Wood Stand, Deluxe Boar Brush, Super Bar, and Gold Tone Razor

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Plastic Soup - What is Garbage and Iceland How did you form?

!±8± Plastic Soup - What is Garbage and Iceland How did you form?

Imagine - you get up in the morning, brushing, teeth and get ready to go to work. Grab your cup of trips that head out the office door. The day is long, so you eat for lunch, order from this place down the street. After the day and head home, he took some shots off, because your efforts to cook after a long day, really low. Come home, sit down to watch TV with dinner and, finally, wash your face and go to bed.

This day may seem harmless,typical of many people out there in the world of work. How could a day like this, which is known as refuse help Iceland? Or, more importantly, what is junk Iceland? team wanted to discover and share their discoveries with the world.

Iceland is a garbage vortex flow (the so-called North Pacific Gyre,) of about 1,000 miles off the California coast, where plastics collected in all shapes and sizes to be buoyant. Since plastic is not biodegradable, butinstead disintegrates into smaller particles, the sea is the perfect retreat for a large portion of these deposits. The crew of this mission discovered everything from birthday balloons, helmets, tires, but the scariest thing of all was the volume, the ratio of plastic marine life in some areas was above 1000:1. Yikes. So where does all this and how it came to the end in the Pacific?

Back to the day when the average person again instead of vague and so, we detailsome of the places in this story, where plastic could be used.

You get up in the morning and press the button to turn the alarm clock beside the bed of plastic. Brush your teeth with a toothbrush made of plastic. Women applying make-up (housed in plastic containers, brushes with plastic handles) (both wrapped in plastic with an electric razor or disposable razor plastic), the men before shaving. You grab your cup isolated road with a plastic cover to jump in the car (I can not evento find out how many plastic parts are used in a machine) and head into the office. Use your plastic card to enter the building, sitting in your office chair plastic base, turn on the computer-based plastic and work until lunch. A soup and salad lunch in the food along the way, each stored in a plastic container. Go home and stop to pull (polystyrene [plastic] containers of course) and turn the plastic-based television while eating. After an eveningScrolling through the channels with the plastic-based Remote-Wash your face with stuff like that in the plastic tube, and finally go to bed.

At the lowest level this person fifteen-based plastic products used in a day. Given that our society has become a disposable mentality all these elements are designed to bring faster, eliminating the need to recover and dispose of the old location. Many times these are garbage from a ship, but more because it comes directly from the country. This ispossible even if we do not notice it happening - the next time you see a plastic bag floating in the wind, how far the wind could blow before it stops, if you think a bottle of boos in a gutter after a heavy downpour , think about where the road ends in water.

A series of quotations from the video was particularly striking:

"Persistent organic pollutants are chemicals that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food chain, and setRisk of adverse effects on human health and the environment. "

- United Nations Environment Programme

Bioaccumulation is when the collection of materials harmful compounds (toxins), as in various tissues of living organisms. In this example, the body would be the marine life of course, but the chain of ingestion of toxic chemicals is increasing as birds, fish eat fish that eat other fish and humans eat the fish. Contaminates are introduced into our daily food supply and are seriously affectingsustainable quality of life of entire species on this planet (an example is when a bird goes out to eat and return to their young, feed the end boys with a stomach full of plastic for the essential nutrients they need, refused to survive and as lost income).

What can we do? We physically clean up all the pieces are already there? Unlikely. We make an attempt to stop more in the sea? Absolutely!

The most important thing we can do with allnon-biodegradable plastics currently available to prolong their life. If we act as consumers, we need to think about the lifecycle of the product in question - how long we want to use the element of what we do with the element at the end of his life? If you throw away, we should conscientiously as we do - the recycling of plastic and throw it in the trash, there is a way to reuse, we can uptrend article into something functional that may take a long timeInitial for life?

Opening his eyes on the problem and reduce our dependence on disposable plastic products is the first step in solving the problem and the video is a real eye opener along great. For more information, visit the link below. Be aware that the twelve parts (plus an extra 5 minutes) Approximate running time of just over an hour and a very colorful language to be used anywhere. It is worth to let us by observing and learning.

Plastic Soup - What is Garbage and Iceland How did you form?

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

De Long Razor Set Razors + Badger Brush + Shaving Stand + Shaving Mug

!±8± De Long Razor Set Razors + Badger Brush + Shaving Stand + Shaving Mug

Brand : DE LONG | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Aug 26, 2011 06:55:17 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Stainless steel shaving Mug
  • Protectional material
  • 4 pcs shaving set

Purchasing 120v Inverter

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shaving with a safety razor: 5 Tips for beginners

!±8± Shaving with a safety razor: 5 Tips for beginners

So you've decided to take the plunge and has a razor's grandfather? Most of the men, the old-school razors, shaving brush and a quality badger hair to try to see it again. Here are some tips to get you going in the right direction.

1 Take your time. When shaving with a razor, slow down. Leave swing the 5-blade razor, to overthrow the job and end up shaving. When using a safety razor, take your time and think about "reducing beard." Thisrelathering means more passes, between passes, each pass with a beard a little more than the previous one.

2 Look at the edges! Otherwise do not move more than one of the most recent swivel razor, not the head: you must manually run the blade angle to the contour of the face. Be careful around the chin and jaw areas. Again see tip # 1!

3 Start with a warm, wet face. Always wash your face before shaving the beard area, then heat for a minute or so with water or a hot towel or aCombination of both. Keep your face wet while shaving.

4 foam well. Use a quality shaving brush with badger hair. Do not use foam from the can! Some say that creates the fuel as possible, a foam with small air pockets, these small air pockets let your face is not protected. Use this soap instead of shaving foam in a bowl and pleasant with a badger hair brush. If you tried, you never go back.

5 And finally, a sharp blade. The great thingis about wet shaving, and after the initial cost of the safety razor, brush, bowl and soap, razor blades that are pretty cheap. To resist the temptation too often a knife. Replace the DE (double edged) razor blade at least twice a month, depending on how often you shave during the week. If you have a very tough beard, you might want to change the blades once a week.

Each face and a set of whiskers are different so what works for you. There are a lot of big beard,Razor blades, brushes, etc. Have fun finding the right mix for your face and enjoy your beard for a change!

Shaving with a safety razor: 5 Tips for beginners

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